28 Mayıs 2021 Cuma

Flipped Grammar Teaching Video

 Hello everyboy, today I am back with another task. On this week's task, we were asked to create another video explaning a grammar subject. We explanied will and be going to. We used an image and then I edited words on to that image to create a classroom-like enviroment. I feel like our editing is starting to improve which is great. We used the Movavi video editor. Kutay prepared a quiz related to the grammar subject. We both narrated the video. This time we didn't put too much time on trying to find the perfect animations instead we focused on the content. I am personlly very proud of the video we created. Since I have the editing app, I do the editing but we always plan together.I really had fun making this video.

If you want to check our video, click here.

Also check out my partner Kutay's blog.

Here's the link to the image I found.

Lastly here's the quiz we preapered using quizizz.com There was also a link to the interactive quiz but it is not avaliable because it had a time limit.

17 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi

Flipped Vocabulary Task

On today's task, we were asked to create a teaching video including animations for fifth grade children. I think showing videos for young learners is a great way to get children's attention and help them focus. When we made the video, we couldn't find a website to create our video so we found some animations online and tried to put them together. It was very difficult to do so because I am not good at editing but still, I tried my best. We spent a week for finding the animations that have the same style and for ten animals, it can be a tiring process. We then recorded our voices for the ten animals. We uploaded the video on the streaming platform YouTube and excluded it from the public.

If you want to check my partner Kutay's blog here’s the link:


Also click here if you wish to see the video we made.

See you on the next post!